Sunday 17 November 2019

TITLES scream main title

- High pitched female scream
Very stereotypical in slashers, helping create suspense but also helping to anchor a preferred reading
- Heart rate speeding up
Helps create suspension and build up fear throughout the trailer
- Phone ringing
Again helps to create suspension, and the ring sound the phone makes is very average which helps anchor the slasher genre
- Crash sound effect
Not only helps build tension to the literal breaking point but also serves as an audio distraction so that the viewers are distracted by the sound so its harder to focus on what just showed creating sense of mystery
-Wolf howl
A stereotype to the slasher and horror genre, again anchoring the preferred reading
- Knife slashing sounds
Another stereotype to the slasher and horror genre. Could be an intertextual reference to past slasher classics
- Gunshot
Again not only helps build tension to the literal breaking point but also serves as an audio distraction
- Violin
Massive effect on the tension, and an intertextual reference to Psycho
- Audio Bridge
Helps keep the audience engaged

- Blue tint
Intertextual reference to Halloween opening
- Sans serif font
Commonly used in slashers as its very bold matching music
-Black background
Use of dark colours with a black background helps anchor preferred reading

(Scream trailer)

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