Sunday 8 September 2019

SOURCES2 Useful blogs + 1st links lists!


Over the duration of AS course I am going to be constantly looking for inspiration in other blogs, this is a list of some of the websites I go to for facts or references, and some of the blogs used for ideas. As we get further into the course this list will get longer.

'British' Cinema blog-
One of my teachers useful blogs, but I look at it as a reference to how posts should be written and  the layout out of posts. This is also helpful as it allows me to find terminology I have not yet come across, and expectations of content we might cover in the course

Scope productions blog-
One of my classmates blog, I use it to get a understanding of the level of work needed in the class, as well as knowing where to catch up from the missing knowledge of GCSE course that she took and I did not.

TriHard productions blog-
Another one of my classmates blog, I use it to get a understanding of work needed in the class, as well as knowing where to catch up from the missing knowledge of GCSE course that he took and I did not.


These are all websites that I use to check different numbers for things like box office reviews or profits movies made. Between these four websites it covers pretty much every movie

-The Gaurdain




1 comment:

DB said...

Good - but always provide SOME illustration! And watch sp.: GUARDIAN