Sunday 8 September 2019

ML Basic media language – shot types, angles

Shot types

An Extreme close up shot, if on a person, often has the bottom of the nose and top of the forehead in central frame, anymore becomes a close up shot. An e.c.u connotes to an emotion and helps anchor the preferred reading.
Image result for extreme close up shot"
An example is in X men, helping to show the hate magneto has towards wolverine

A close up shot, usually doesn't go below the shoulder, and doesn't go above the hair. Close up shots are used to show a facial expression, helping reveal a protagonist. Close ups are often paired with a shallow field of focus as to connote that the focus and importance is on the closer character.

Image result for close up shot"
An example is in The Shining when Jack axes through the door, the close up connotes to his insanity and how he changed over the course of the film.

A medium close up, reveals more of the background as the frame goes slightly above the characters head and goes slight lower then the shoulders. It helps show a characters focus, location and gives some mes en scene as you can see hair and clothes in context.
Image result for medium close up shot"

In this shot we can see a woman in a forrest. We can connote, from the denotation of the light colours, earrings, lipstick and hair style, that the woman is most likely upper class

Image result for medium shot"Medium shots are often used to reveal a protagonist or an antagonist, with the frame slightly above the characters head, but slightly higher then the waist.
In pulp fiction, these two characters are the protagonists and very much alike. However if you weren't aware of this its very easy to tell based off of their outfits, guns and facial expressions 


-2 Shot
-Group Shot/ 3 Shot
-High Angle
-Low Angle
-Worms Eye
-Birds eye
-Dutch Angle
-Match on Action shot


DB said...

Its accurate, but - re-edit with less tiny text + use of semiotic terms, + sharper explanations. Add a 2-shot.
You COULD also now add a 2nd, smaller pic for each - screenshot from any film.
Never just plonk in a vid/doc without SOME explanation above of what it is/contains. Not for this one but more generally for vodcasts you'd add a clear bulleted summary of contents BELOW the video (same for Eval later on).

DB said...

Don’t put in L/exL headings that basically re-state the post title.