Thursday 17 October 2019

Semiotics rap

Semiotics rap
Connotations and connote 
Like a sailing boat
Now your thinking of a captain 
With a big hat that’s 10/10 

That’s symbolic like a three shot
It connotes scenarios, like a lot 
An example is a love triangle 
Or if it was horror there’d be a Dutch angle 

The next word is denote 
That’s the textual detail in a goat 
Well that’s an example but what you should project 
Is To describe the detail of an object 

It’s not about symbolism, unlike a baptism 
It’s about what happens not what you think about them 
It’s a bit like this rap 
You shouldn’t think about it you should just clap 

Now we come to narrative enigma 
Could show the presence of ligma 
Okay now all jokes aside 
It’s how the director makes a hidden side 

This could be like a high angle 
To show a character is week and might get strangled 
It’s all about the suggested info
How a character might feel low 

Up next is detail that is intertextual 
Like Rick and Morty being intellectual
It’s about understanding references 
It helps appeal to target audiences 

An example would be the simpsons 
The amount of references, theres tons 
Without the intertextual knowledge 
The show would be as funny as a dying hedge. 

That’s the end of my rap of semiotics 
Before someone needs antibiotics 
I hope I got all of this right 
Otherwise my media grades arnt in sight.

1 comment:

DB said...

This is good James - wide range of T used, with context/meaning clear too. PRESENTATION: ALWAYS include SOME illustration! T = bold + pink. Consider doing this again independently as you learn more T throughout the year.