Thursday 5 September 2019

About this blog and blogger!

What To Expect From The Blog

In this blog I would love to go through the process of making a short movie or a series of videos connecting a story, allowing the options to explore several shot types, editing and understanding the needs of making a film.

This is the first attempt at approaching media studies as a whole, I haven't developed any knowledge towards the topic, but I think this blog will allow me to explore the topic, and you can follow along and explore it with me.

I am really looking forward to exploring the filming of videos and the editing as I believe that those are two very helpful skills to have. I believe that I will enjoy those aspects.

However I am slightly worried that with no media knowledge and without having any experience with the subject I may struggle too much and it will remove the fun of the topic,
But we will see!

1 comment:

DB said...

An early tweak: remove the L/exL red/underline headings which basically re-state the post title. Look at my longer posts for guidance on how/where to use headings.