Thursday 21 November 2019

Film opening analysis of About a Boy

- Fade up
- Audio bridge to first scene
- Diegetic sound from TV 
- Bird's eye view
- Tracking shot
- Protagonist - proppian archetypes
- Rule of thirds
- Narrative enigma - not showing protagonist's face
- Intertextual reference to 'Who wants to be a millionaire'
- Camera movement and zooming, connotes tension
- Anchored tension with tense music from tv show
- His answer to the show foreshadows events - In addition he is most likely to relate to Jon Bon Jovi character, connoting comedic genre 
- Voice over - inner monologue
- Non-diegetic sound - guitar strings
- Red Bull signifies youth, not very smart
- Tea cup with saucer juxtaposes with the Red Bull because it signifies older age and sophistication
- Cigarettes - negative connotations - complex preferred reading
- Campbell's hero's journey/monomyth - all narratives center on journey and progression of protagonist
- Big book - intelligence, sophistication
- Lower case bubble font block white - connoting comedic genre
- Navy blue slacks, gry blue crew neck jumper, blue shirt, grey blue monochromatic mise-en-scene - conservative guy
- Large collection of books and LPs, electric guitar, speakers - rebellious, again connotes complex preferred reading

1 comment:

DB said...

This is good as notes, but needs structuring, and illustrating. Post title: GENERAL OPENING EG3 About a Boy.
At the moment, A-grade T; B- EX (lacking precision/detail at times), but EAA is fairly minimal overall: D. So a C- level, but clear scope to push this up at least 1 grade. Make it clear WHY the MLang has been chosen; to what effect. Look at it like your mock exam: treat it as an exam TV drama Q: how has meaning been created, commenting on the 4 technical areas. You need to return to Grimsby + Pretty in Pink - if you missed lesson/s on either, look at others' notes (you have access to the openings of both).