Friday 29 January 2021

TV and Film - Week 3

 We decided that we will recreate the episode of Cuckoo talked about previously 

After deciding on Cuckoo, we chose our characters:

Cuckoo: Hugo
Rachel: Emma
Lorna: Amelie
Ken: James
Dylan: Louis
Connie: Silvana
Steve: Tristan

Our extras are:

Zoe: Olivia
Charlie: Alessandro
Kelly: Maddy
Kelly's Husband: James
Toby: Alan
Toby's Girlfriend: Ella

Ken - 

After being cast as Ken I looked through the episode in order to find some key points around characterisation 

Throughout the episode you can clearly tell Ken is the stereotypical English dad, he misses and wishes for a sense of nostalgia. He cares about his daughter but is worried about her decision to marry Cuckoo and he considers it brash however he will support her none the less, even if it's not what he had planned. 

Some smaller points to consider characterisation wise is 

- 'my way or the high way' mindset 

- well educated/ spoken

- slightly socially awkward

Quotes to emphasise these points 

I always imagined Rachel would marry someone educated, someone with ambition.  I’d respect his opinions  

No.  Well, in a way.  It’s just a meeting because, well, you know, the family has a new member, which I’m delighted about, and we need to introduce him to the way we do things in this house, that’s all.  No agenda. 

Look, family meetings are to make the rules up for you not for me.

No!  No vote.  I suggest we all do what Dad says.

I don’t like your food. 

I love you, too.  I just miss the way we were a little bit.  I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but I just… 

What?  Zoe, that… that is a scandalous accusation and one that I really hope you keep to yourself. 



So what, you’re just being weird? 



Well… If wanting to prepare a friend’s child for a potentially life-defining internship is weird, then yes, I’m weird.  You could say that I’m weird. I’m weird. 

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