Friday 22 January 2021

Film and TV acting - Week 2 reflection

 Piece decision - 

Previously we had looked into filming a remake of the office tv show (US version) however due to several struggles especially around trying to accommodate for a small cast it became apparent that this wouldn't work as well as we had thought. 

instead we've decided to look at remaking episode 2, season 1 of the Netflix original 'Cuckoo' 

This felt better to us as a group as it worked better for the cast we have, has a similar style to the previous years film and tv piece (they remade Brooklyn 99) so we could follow some of their steps to make it more comfortable for us especially in terms of the pre/ post production stages and we all enjoyed watching the original. 

However the difficulties we immediately noted were the locations, and dynamics between characters due to covid-19 guidelines. 

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