Saturday 11 January 2020

Liquid Latex Zombie Make Up

I’ve been looking into zombie make up and ways to create a convincing look for the zombies in our film opening.
One of the products our teacher generously got us was liquid latex. However none of the members of our group have experience with liquid latex so I’ve looked into how to use it and what effects can be done using it.
1 video I liked, for the tutorial as well as the end effect.
The video:

So knowing how to use the product, I will try and test it on the people who are going to be zombies as it will work differently on different people, as far as how much to use as it will last longer time periods, and it may need a thicker layer as it may not show as well, especially when on the face.

It is important we get it right as if the zombies look bad it will clearly look fake and a lot of the effect is lost. Therefor the more practice we get the better as there is a lot of pressure on the zombie look.

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